Self Defence for Women
This course covers the skills and tactics that are needed by women and girls in their self defence journey.

It is specifically designed to make participants more resilient to difficult, physical scenarios they could, unfortunately, find themselves in.

We teach learners how to escape threatening and/or violent situations so that they do not have to stay to fight but can get away.

The main focus will be on:

1. Developing the ability to resist being dragged away
2. Learning to deal with the situation of being on the floor, where someone may try to pin you down
3. Being able to hit really hard, for those situations where you have no other option but to fight back

The coaches are highly qualified, with the Chief Coach being a former Met Police Officer who has worked mainly with violent offenders.
Prosp User 3
You can benefit from this course regardless of whether you generally consider yourself to be “out of shape” or “super-fit”. However, the course requires some level of physical ability and mobility. If you have joint injuries or wear and tear then this particular course may not be as suitable for you since some sessions will require repeated going to the floor and getting back up.

Some sessions require the participant to hit pads as well as some elements of controlled "wrestling" type activities to develop the ability to withstand being dragged away. (These activities will be with other females and not with the male coaches.)

It may be advisable to seek medical clearance with a medical professional prior to participation.

If you have martial arts experience, this course could still be of benefit as it deals with the real situations you could face rather than the more hypothetical and competition-focused scenarios of the martial arts.
Prosp User 4
Participants don’t need to bring anything although comfortable clothes would be an advantage.
Prosp User 5
Each session will consist of a light warm up so as to prevent injuries. Following this, there will be some form of well-controlled "grabbing" and escaping.

For these reasons, longer length clothing items (covering the legs up to the ankles and arms up to the wrists) will be more suitable for this training.

Due to the physical nature of the activity, we do not advise wearing your newest, best or most treasured clothing.

Please avoid items with cords that are not tied up (such as hooded tops with cords in them).

Please remove jewellery and watches prior to the class.

Please also bring water and refreshments.
Prosp User 6
As well as learning many exciting skills specific to your course, you will also be evidencing and practising a range of transferable skills.
As well as learning many exciting skills specific to your course, you will also be evidencing and practising a range of transferable skills.
Being able to demonstrate transferable skills will improve your confidence and self-awareness, make you more employable, and help you with further learning and volunteering.
Being able to demonstrate transferable skills will improve your confidence and self-awareness, make you more employable, and help you with further learning and volunteering.
Employers value employees who have strong transferable skills, as they tend to have the tools to help them go beyond their job description.
Employers value employees who have strong transferable skills, as they tend to have the tools to help them go beyond their job description.
The course is great fun and you will walk away with some great skills that have applicability for your life.

Both coaches are qualified and experienced in coaching sports as well as martial arts, but this course is not about flying kicks and spinning back fists. This is more like a sports coaching session, using sports training principles, rather than a kung-fu martial arts fighting session.

If you have any injuries or medical concerns please do seek advice from an appropriate medical professional.

Please come to the purple building at Huntington School where you will be met by York Learning staff and taken to your classroom.
Prosp User 8

Learners who live in devolved authorities

Learners who live in devolved authorities
York Learning receives government funding which allows us to offer courses at a lower cost. The guidelines relating to devolution means that we cannot apply this funding to learners who live in devolved areas such as the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
York Learning receives government funding which allows us to offer courses at a lower cost. The guidelines relating to devolution means that we cannot apply this funding to learners who live in devolved areas such as the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
If you live in one of these areas we would recommend that, before committing to a course with York Learning, you explore options to study the course in your local area.
If you live in one of these areas we would recommend that, before committing to a course with York Learning, you explore options to study the course in your local area.
If you would prefer to continue your learning with York Learning please note that the price of the course could be double the advertised cost.
If you would prefer to continue your learning with York Learning please note that the price of the course could be double the advertised cost.
In this case, please contact us on 01904 554277 to complete your enrolment.
In this case, please contact us on 01904 554277 to complete your enrolment.

Learners under the age of 19

Learners under the age of 19
Please note that Adult Education funding is for individuals who are over the age of 19 on the 31st of August prior to the start date of their course.
Please note that Adult Education funding is for individuals who are over the age of 19 on the 31st of August prior to the start date of their course.
This means that there will be an additional cost for learners who are under 19 who wish to access funded courses.
This means that there will be an additional cost for learners who are under 19 who wish to access funded courses.
For safeguarding reasons, we cannot accept learners who are under 18 on courses except by prior arrangement. This does not apply to programmes which are designed for 16-18s.
For safeguarding reasons, we cannot accept learners who are under 18 on courses except by prior arrangement. This does not apply to programmes which are designed for 16-18s.
If you are under the age of 19, please contact us on 01904 554277 before booking.
If you are under the age of 19, please contact us on 01904 554277 before booking.
18:30 - 19:30
1.00 hrs per wk
5 weeks
Hafiz Younis
No reductions apply