How to use your Overlocker
IMPORTANT: if you do not have your own Overlocker to bring to the course, please let us know at enrolment (as we only have a limited number of Overlockers for learners to use on the day). Please refer to the 'What do I need to bring?' section below for more details.

This course will focus on setting up, threading and adjusting tension on an Overlocker to neaten raw edges and sew stretch garments together with confidence. During the session you will learn how to thread the Overlocker and change the thread colour with ease, troubleshooting problems you encounter along the way.

You will practise the following: adjusting tension and stitch length, changing needles (discussing suitable needles and sizes), adjusting the blade position, basic maintenance, sewing corners and curves, using woven and stretch fabrics and lots more too… You will also have an opportunity to use a Cover Stitch machine for finishing necklines and hems on stretch fabrics.

You will leave the course with a selection of samples showing the techniques you have learned and a wealth of knowledge on how to use your Overlocker with confidence.

*It is important that you refer to the section: ‘What do I need to bring and are there any additional costs?'*
Prosp User 3
This course is for anyone who is confident using a sewing machine but new to using an Overlocker.
Prosp User 4
Please bring your Overlocker with you if you have one. It is more beneficial to learn using your own machine as each one is different.

Please also remember to bring your manual, pedal and accessories including the toolkit, tweezers, screwdrivers and spare needles. Some different colour threads will also be useful.

*IMPORTANT*: All machines must be in good working order. Once you have enrolled, please email the York Learning team at huntington.adulted@york.gov.uk with the make and model of your Overlocker. This information will be passed directly to the tutor.

Limited Overlockers will be available to use if you don't have your own machine. Please let us know when you enrol for the course.
Prosp User 5
Tea and coffee will be available at the venue for a small charge, but please bring another other refreshments/lunch you may require.

Please ensure that you read and understand the health and safety guidelines on any creative product or tools that you intend to use during the course, before the first class.
Prosp User 6
As well as learning many exciting skills specific to your course, you will also be evidencing and practising a range of transferable skills.
As well as learning many exciting skills specific to your course, you will also be evidencing and practising a range of transferable skills.
Being able to demonstrate transferable skills will improve your confidence and self-awareness, make you more employable, and help you with further learning and volunteering.
Being able to demonstrate transferable skills will improve your confidence and self-awareness, make you more employable, and help you with further learning and volunteering.
Employers value employees who have strong transferable skills, as they tend to have the tools to help them go beyond their job description.
Employers value employees who have strong transferable skills, as they tend to have the tools to help them go beyond their job description.
This course provides people with skills for self improvement which could lead into further education at York College and/or possibly, in time, into self employment.
Prosp User 8

Learners who live in devolved authorities

Learners who live in devolved authorities
York Learning receives government funding which allows us to offer courses at a lower cost. The guidelines relating to devolution means that we cannot apply this funding to learners who live in devolved areas such as the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
York Learning receives government funding which allows us to offer courses at a lower cost. The guidelines relating to devolution means that we cannot apply this funding to learners who live in devolved areas such as the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
If you live in one of these areas we would recommend that, before committing to a course with York Learning, you explore options to study the course in your local area.
If you live in one of these areas we would recommend that, before committing to a course with York Learning, you explore options to study the course in your local area.
If you would prefer to continue your learning with York Learning please note that the price of the course could be double the advertised cost.
If you would prefer to continue your learning with York Learning please note that the price of the course could be double the advertised cost.
In this case, please contact us on 01904 554277 to complete your enrolment.
In this case, please contact us on 01904 554277 to complete your enrolment.

Learners under the age of 19

Learners under the age of 19
Please note that Adult Education funding is for individuals who are over the age of 19 on the 31st of August prior to the start date of their course.
Please note that Adult Education funding is for individuals who are over the age of 19 on the 31st of August prior to the start date of their course.
This means that there will be an additional cost for learners who are under 19 who wish to access funded courses.
This means that there will be an additional cost for learners who are under 19 who wish to access funded courses.
For safeguarding reasons, we cannot accept learners who are under 18 on courses except by prior arrangement. This does not apply to programmes which are designed for 16-18s.
For safeguarding reasons, we cannot accept learners who are under 18 on courses except by prior arrangement. This does not apply to programmes which are designed for 16-18s.
If you are under the age of 19, please contact us on 01904 554277 before booking.
If you are under the age of 19, please contact us on 01904 554277 before booking.
10:00 - 15:00
5.00 hrs per wk
1 weeks
Kate Unsworth
£40 if in receipt of State Pension; £35 if in receipt of certain means tested benefits